It's undeniable: this season can bring a touch of melancholy. The delightful holiday period has drawn to a close. What lingers now is the task of tidying up – and perhaps a bit of personal downtime for some of us!

Even though packing away your lights after the festivities might not be as joyous as setting them up initially, it's a task that's rewarding when done properly. By following the guidelines and tips provided below, you can ensure your lights are stored correctly and securely for the next holiday season.

Christmas Lights Storage

Employ Protective ContainersPlastic Storage Container

LED lights are highly durable. However, they won't withstand rough handling during storage. Plastic storage tubs are perfect for this purpose. These containers are lightweight, manageable, stackable, and will safeguard your lights effectively.

Using transparent plastic containers will also facilitate easy identification and retrieval of specific light sets when preparing for the next season.

Choose Cool and Dry Storage

If your lights are damp when you take them down, spread them out in a dry area – perhaps your garage floor – to allow them to dry completely before placing them in plastic tubs in a cool, dry environment.

Removing Christmas Lights

For many, storing the plastic containers in the attic is convenient. However, it isn't an ideal spot for preserving the longevity of Christmas lights. Your lights will fare better if kept in moderate temperatures. The extreme heat typically found in attics during summer is not suitable for long-lasting light sets.

Prevent Tangles and Label Lengths

Much like a length of string or rope, Christmas light strands love to tangle. And nothing diminishes the excitement of a new holiday season faster than spending hours untangling a vast knot of lights.

Christmas Lights Storage Box

There is, however, a simple method to prevent this. As you take down each light strand, fold each one from bulb to bulb (you will have bulbs on either end of the bundle, with a smooth cord in the middle), and secure with a rubber band in the center. This quick and easy technique will absolutely ensure no tangles occur.

Additionally, attach a masking tape label to each bundle indicating the length of the strand – and possibly even where you used it this year. A combination of untangled strands and labeled lengths will make setting up next season's display a breeze.

Monitor Age

Tracking the age of each light strand is crucial. The older a strand, the more likely it is to fail. By knowing the age of each strand, you can be selective in placing them in specific locations. Older strands might serve best in less prominent areas so that any bulb failures aren't as noticeable. It might also be wise to place older strands in more accessible spots for easy mid-season maintenance.

An effective way to monitor the age of light strands is to use a variety of multi-colored zip ties for color-coding by year. Assign a color to each year, and secure a zip tie of the corresponding color at the end of each strand purchased in that year.

Future You Will Appreciate the Effort…

While a bit of post-Christmas sadness is normal, it can't overshadow the beautiful and cherished memories of this holiday season, memories you'll treasure for life. And before you know it, spring and summer will have zipped by, and the most wonderful time of the year will be here once again.

Although it requires a bit of extra effort, it's worth storing your Christmas lights properly now. By doing so, you ensure that the joy of the upcoming holiday season won't be dampened from the outset by a mess of broken lights and tangled cords.