A compilation functions as a type of folder or album on your TikTok profile, which enables you to organize and categorize your favorited clips.
Any clip that you decide to favorite – by tapping the flag-like icon at the bottom of the reaction menu – is placed into a directory on your profile, which can be sorted into various compilations.
Users can customize compilations according to their preferences and choose to make them visible to everyone or restrict visibility. In this post, we’ll cover how to set up a compilation and how to modify its name once established on your profile.
Setting Up a Compilation
To access your compilations, first, navigate to your profile and then tap the favorites symbol at the top of your grid. This is denoted by the sideways flag icon, which might have a block sign indicating the privacy status of your favorites.
Here, you can view any existing compilations, or click on the ‘Create New Compilation’ banner at the top of the grid.
When you choose ‘Create New Compilation,’ a box will prompt you to enter a name for the compilation, along with a toggle switch to make it public or keep it private.
Renaming a Compilation on TikTok
To change the name of an existing compilation, locate the appropriate compilation and tap it to access the complete selection of clips and videos.
Select the sweeping arrow icon in the top right corner of the screen and select ‘Rename’.
This will bring up a pop-up box that allows you to rename your compilation – you can use up to 30 characters. Within this menu, you can also toggle your compilation’s visibility from public to private and delete entire compilations.
Voila! By following these instructions, you can efficiently organize and manage your favorited clips and adjust the names of compilations as your stored videos change.
Enjoy browsing!
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