Construct-Your-Own C7 and C9 Light Lines: Accessible to Everyone

C9 LED Christmas LightsWhen it comes to purchasing light lines for your decoration project, you essentially have two options:

1. Purchase pre-assembled stringer sets ready for immediate use
2. Acquire empty socket light lines, bulbs, and components, and create your own tailor-made light strings

In most cases, professional installers opt for option #2 for their Christmas lighting endeavors.

However, many holiday enthusiasts prefer option #1 for their home adornment activities. It’s a pity since making your own light lines is truly the ideal choice for nearly any Christmas lighting project.

Custom Light Lines Provide Numerous Benefits

Creating your own light lines is the preferred method for professional installers as it allows for cleaner, sharper, and more visually striking displays. Additionally, professionals find that custom lines are more cost-effective in the long run, despite the slightly higher initial investment.

Here are some advantages of using empty socket light lines:

  • Completely Tailorable
    Pre-assembled stringer sets are produced as a single unit, combining bulbs and line. Purchasing such a set means accepting it as-is. Modifying bulb placement or altering the line length is not an option. While some sets allow for diode and lens cap replacement, inconsistencies in milliamp ratings among colors can cause sets to fail quickly. Crafting your own set from empty socket light lines lets you customize the line to the precise length required, choose and mix bulb colors, and adjust them as desired.
  • Superior Quality
    LED retrofit bulbs in empty socket light lines are produced as standalone units, making them interchangeable and removable. These bulbs contain more diodes per unit compared to the single diode bulbs in pre-assembled sets, resulting in brighter and more vivid lights.
  • Length Flexibility
    Empty socket light line cord is available in rolls of either 500′ or 1000′. Alternatively, you can purchase it by the foot in your needed length.
  • C7 or C9 Options
    Empty socket light line cords come in both C7 and C9 bulb sizes, with a wide variety of colors and styles in retrofit bulbs for each.
  • Variable Bulb Spacing
    Options for bulb spacing in empty socket light lines include 6″, 9″, 12″, 15″, 18″, 24″, and 36″ intervals.
  • Male and Female Plugs
    Decide on the number of individual lines you’ll be creating from your bulk cord length. Remember, two plugs—one male and one female—are needed for each light line. To create a new line, simply cut the desired length from your bulk cord and attach a male plug at one end and a female plug at the other—effortless and fast.
  • Color Options for the Line
    Both C7 and C9 empty socket light line cords are available in green or white colors.
  • Attachment Clips and Accessories
    A variety of clips and accessories are available for attaching your light lines to different surfaces, including options for clay or shingle roofs, ridge rows, gutters, trees, shrubs, and more.

Custom Light Lines: Superior Choice for Almost Everyone

Although professionals depend on them, many Christmas decorators often steer clear of empty socket light lines for home holiday lighting. This is regrettable because the numerous advantages of custom-building your own light lines apply to both small and large projects.

Constructing your own lines may initially take more time and cost compared to pre-made light lines, but the end result is more aesthetically pleasing, durable, and provides greater design flexibility. Thus, it’s the best option for almost anyone.