In case you’ve ever participated in a livestream on TikTok, you might recognize the idea of gifting.

Gifts are items that individuals can acquire digitally and send to their beloved creators throughout a livestream, expressing appreciation for the creator’s work and endorsing their endeavors.

Although they seem like simple icons and visuals, these gifts convert into actual monetary value for the creator, with fans and supporters viewing gifts as a method to maintain their preferred creators’ content production.

Basically, sending a gift resembles contributing cash to a donation jar, except your gift becomes an icon based on the amount spent and is displayed for both the creator and the audience during the stream.

This piece delves into the specific Galaxy gift and its cost.

Galaxy Gift Expense

On TikTok, a Galaxy gift is valued at 1,000 coins.

The coin value on TikTok fluctuates depending on the purchase size, as the platform offers various bundle deals users can buy and store in their in-app wallet. Typically, if 65 coins are equivalent to 99p, then 1,000 coins are nearly £16.

Importantly, the Galaxy gift, comprising 1,000 coins, is among the most favored choices, mainly due to its even and convenient coin expenditure.

Creator’s Earnings from A Gift

This is where it turns intriguing, since the actual sum spent on a gift for a creator does not match the monetary figure they receive.

On the app, creators cash out ‘diamonds’, which equate to roughly half a coin’s worth.

So, if a creator obtains a gift valued at almost £16, they likely will receive between £7 and £8 net earnings for that gift.

Procedure to Dispatch a Galaxy to a Creator

Before letting you explore gift options, here’s a brief guide on dispatching them.

NOTE: Participation in a livestream is requisite for sending a gift. Gifts cannot be sent to creators outside of TikTok’s live feature.

  1. Click on the ‘Gift’ icon in the live stream, situated beside the ‘Comment’ button.
  2. Select the desired gift based on the number of coins you wish to expend.
  3. Upon confirming and sending a gift, it appears on the livestream both for the creator’s and audience’s view.

And there you go! Dispatching a gift serves as a splendid method to affirm your support for TikTok creators, bolstering them to generate income from the platform, ensuring the continuation of content creation and sharing. We trust you find this beneficial!

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