Residing in London grants me access to some of the finest Holiday Shops. Each year, numerous luxury department stores transform sections of their premises solely for , continually outdoing themselves. John Lewis left a lasting impression on me last year with its Opposuits and Custom Gummies. This year, I began my holiday shopping adventure at Selfridges but made it a point to also visit John Lewis.

The upgrades at the John Lewis Christmas Shop this year truly amazed me. Unlike some stores that stick to the same layout year after year, John Lewis revamped its displays for 2018. Whereas last year, ornaments were sorted by designer, this year they're organized by color schemes and named after gemstones.

John Lewis Christmas Shop 2018


John Lewis Christmas Shop 2018

John Lewis Christmas Shop 2018

John Lewis Christmas Shop 2018

Also on AllThingsChristmas: Christmas Tree Decoration Ideas

An even larger draw this year is the featured Bauble Wall with a massive rotating rainbow tree. The central theme appears to be colors galore! Drawing inspiration from their Custom Quality Street booth, the entire department is adorned in a spectrum of hues.

John Lewis Christmas Shop 2018

John Lewis Christmas Shop 2018

John Lewis Christmas Shop 2018

Some of our Favorite Rainbow Decorations

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And fret not, there are still cozy corners to be found. A notable enhancement this year is their charming ‘Christmas Tree Forest' featuring faux trees for sale and a hidden cabin. I found this concept delightful, especially how they utilized the space. My daughter enjoyed wandering the brief path, and there was a wait to snap a photo by the fireplace!

John Lewis Christmas Shop 2018

John Lewis Christmas Shop 2018

With numerous captivating displays, I spent a pleasant hour photographing them. Here are some more of my favorites (click on the thumbnails to see the full images).

If you have the opportunity, you should absolutely visit the John Lewis Christmas Shop 2018. Even if you don't purchase anything (we actually moved on to shoe shopping afterwards), it's worth it just to immerse yourself in the festive decor.